Nude Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette - Mini paleta de farduri de pleoape
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O gama de 3 mini palete compuse dintr-o selectie de 9 farduri de pleoape atractive in nuante nude, create de Huda pentru a te ajuta sa creezi look-uri seducatoare, potrivite oricarei nuante de piele. Fiecare paleta este creata pentru a se adapta oricarei nuante de piele sau oricarei culori a ochilor, continand o gama incredibila de tonuri, de la nuante mate onctuoase pana la cele supersidefate si metalice, cu texturi extrem de fine. Disponibila in 3 variante: Nude Light, Nude Medium si Nude Rich Obsessions . Este timpul sa-ti definesti machiajul nude!
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"Frumusetea poate schimba perceptia femeilor despre ele insele. Cred ca o femeie increzatoare in propriile forte poate cuceri lumea!"
Influencer de renume mondial, stabilita in Dubai, Huda Kattan a fondat marca Huda Beauty in 2013. Ceea ce a inceput ca un hobby, a devenit astazi un succes international. Huda se implica personal in dezvoltarea produselor marcii, insotite intotdeauna de tutoriale, pentru a le reda femeilor puterea si dorinta de a experimenta, in ceea ce priveste propriul stil.
huda beauty
Nude Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette - Mini paleta de farduri de pleoape
The shades in the Medium palette are perfect for people who don't particularly enjoy more 'out there' colours but who still want a bit of spice to their looks, as well as this being a great companion piece for other palettes. This is also a staple for occasions where you need to be more conservative, like work or events like weddings. Formula wise, this is a great user-friendly palette for beginners; the formulas are easy to work with and the shades are very complementary, so you can pair any shades in the palette together and they'll look coordinated, which is also great for those for those with young kids or early work starts, who don't have much time to get ready and ponder & plan their looks in their heads. All of the formulas wear really well; no creasing or fading with up to around 14 hours wear. I've got no issues with any of the formulas used, or the shades that have been selected for this palette - a very well thought out colour story. I have, or have had, well over a dozen of the brand's eyeshadow palettes and the Nude line of eyeshadow palettes are my favourite & most used ones - consistently great formulas and cohesive neutral-yet-still-fun-and-unique colour stories, that go with any ocassion and any season. The compact size makes this a great palette for people who travel a lot too... This palette is just great to have full-stop.
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