Hydrating Styling Cream - Crema hidratanta pentru styling

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Hydrating Styling Cream - Crema hidratanta pentru styling
Crema de styling hidratanta Moroccanoil infuzata cu ulei de argan si ingrediente antistatice ... Afla mai multe

191,00 Lei (1)
63,67 Lei / 100ml
300 ml 300 ml

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*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 08/02/25-14/02/25. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte.

*Oferta exclusiva in SEPHORA APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 03/02/25-03/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte.

*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 23/01/25-03/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte.

*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 23/01/25-18/02/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online.

  • Descriere
    Crema de styling hidratanta Moroccanoil infuzata cu ulei de argan si ingrediente antistatice revitalizeaza, hidrateaza si combate electrizara. Aceasta formula multifunctionala lejera este ideala pentru uscarea parului cu uscatorul si adauga definitie si suplete. Este potrivita pentru toate tipurile de par si poate fi, de asemenea, utilizata pe parul uscat pentru a disciplina parul dezordonat si a facilita coafarea.
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  • Note olfactive

  • Descriere
  • Mod de utilizare
  • Compozitie
  • Ingrediente
  • Instructiuni de siguranta
  • Note olfactive

Crema de styling hidratanta Moroccanoil infuzata cu ulei de argan si ingrediente antistatice revitalizeaza, hidrateaza si combate electrizara. Aceasta formula multifunctionala lejera este ideala pentru uscarea parului cu uscatorul si adauga definitie si suplete. Este potrivita pentru toate tipurile de par si poate fi, de asemenea, utilizata pe parul uscat pentru a disciplina parul dezordonat si a facilita coafarea.

- Aplica una-doua pompe pe parul umed sau uscat, pe jumatatea inferioara a lungimilor pana la varfuri.
- Usuca cu uscatorul si coafeaza ca de obicei sau lasa parul sa se usuce natural.
- Combina cu o cantitate mica de Hidratant Maroccanoil pentru a spori stralucirea si catifelarea.

- Ulei de argan: Ajuta la restabilirea elasticitatii si moliciunii parului si faciliteaza coafarea.
- Clorura de behentrimoniu: Un agent antistatic si revitalizant.

Eau, diméthicone, alcool cétéarylique, parfum, huile de noyau d'Argania spinosa (Argan), chlorure de behentrimonium, phénoxyéthanol, stéarate de glycéryle, caprylyl glycol, alcool isopropylique, chlorphénésine, acide citrique, CI 15985 (jaune 6), eugénol, butylphényl hydroxyle 3-cyclohexene carboxaldéhyde, linalol, alpha-isomethyl ionone.

Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

- Produsul trebuie utilizat doar potrivit indicatiilor.
- A se evita contactul cu ochii. - In caz de contact cu ochii, clateste imediat cu apa.
- Numai pentru uz extern.

Clauza de declinare a raspunderii: Ingredientele enumerate pot diferi usor de produsele primite. Inainte de utilizare, consulta ambalajul pentru cele mai actualizate informatii despre ingrediente si orice avertismente sau instructiuni.

Parfumat cu aroma semnata Moroccanoil, un amestec de chihlimbar picant si note florale dulci.

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Cumpărător verificat

Just Gorgeous!

My hair feels instantly hydrated when I apply this after towel drying. The texture of your hair after apply is gorgeously smooth and it just smells amazing!

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Great product

I ordered this having read the reviews and have not been disappointed. Leaves my highlighted, fine hair feeling in great condition

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Ideal to smooth frizz / curly hair

This is super to style my 3c curls. I use when my hair is slightly dry after washing and mix with a little water and smooth through. Great for the refresher days too!

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Magic Styling Cream

Amazing! Totally transformed my dry hair, looks glossy and shiny with every use.

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Frizz taming

Tames frizz and enhances curl between washes

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Best leave in conditioner for medium-dry hair

Second bottle of this. First Lasted me a whole year of using every time I washed my hair ! (Twice a week). Leaves my fair frizz free after air drying and stops it tangling. Very hydrating and I’ve noticed less frizz and breakage since using this product. I use with the shampoo and conditioner and people comment that my hair looks healthy. Smell is amazing and lasts well too.

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Tames frizz

I use this after every hair wash before blowdrying alongside other Moroccanoil products and heat protectant. Before using this my hair was frizzy and hard to control but I no longer have that problem - my hair stays sleek between washes now. A little goes a long way, this bottle will last me a long time! Be careful with the pump because the product does come out with some force! The first time I used this the cream went half way across the room.

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5 star

Really good styling product and my hair feels so soft!

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Tames flyaways

Really nice cream to use before styling that makes your hair really smooth. I use the oil too but this cream is great if you want a really smooth look

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Works Instantly

Just a small amount works Instantly Takes the dry and fluffiness out my hair

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Game changer

I wish i had found this product sooner! Its made such a difference with my hair. I normally have fine fly away hair but with using this, it has helped to reduxe that as well as giving my hair a great shine. It keeps the frizz at bay really well too.

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Moroccanoil Hydrating Styling Cream 300ml

Bought this for the OH she had experienced this product at the hairdresser's and said how good it was so I got this for a birthday wrap up, she was well pleased with it and uses it every time she washes her hair

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Worth the money

I have thick red curly hair, this really hydrated the curls and made them so soft. Smells amazing too!

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Noticeable difference! Must have when using heat on hair.

Must have product. I adore Moroccan Oil on my hair. It works a dream. This is so good to use before styling to keep my hair nice and soft. I’ve noticed such a difference.

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O calatorie de succes, un impuls spre inovatie si o cautare constanta a excelentei in crearea produselor de infrumusetare cu ulei, au format un brand iconic: Moroccanoil.

Plecand de la iconicul Moroccanoil Care, marca a dezvoltat rapid o gama completa de produse pentru par si corp.