The Ultimate Styler Millennial Pink - Perie pentru par

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Ultimate Styler este arma ta secreta pentru a crea look-uri care te vor face sa intorci capete!
Fie ca esti in cautarea unei coafuri super sic, a unor bucle must-have sau pur si simplu a unui look elegant si stralucitor, aceasta perie de par cu aspect profesional este aici pentru tine.
95% dintre oameni confirma ca aceasta perie este perfecta pentru ingrijirea extensiilor si pentru a le amesteca cu parul tau pentru un aspect natural.
Ca intotdeauna, secretul sta in peri... Perii unici au fost creati special pentru coafarea uscata si pentru netezirea cuticulei parului, astfel incat, indiferent de stilul pe care îl alegi, parul tau va fi neted, stralucitor si coafat perfect.
Manerul subtire si confortabil iti ofera un control maxim, astfel incat sa poti crea chiar si cele mai sofisticate coafuri - 83% dintre persoane au confirmat ca aceasta perie de par permite o coafare mai usoara.
Ultimate Styler este cel mai bun accesoriu de styling din acest sezon. - Rezultatele testelor
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- Rezultatele testelor
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Fie ca esti in cautarea unei coafuri super sic, a unor bucle must-have sau pur si simplu a unui look elegant si stralucitor, aceasta perie de par cu aspect profesional este aici pentru tine.
95% dintre oameni confirma ca aceasta perie este perfecta pentru ingrijirea extensiilor si pentru a le amesteca cu parul tau pentru un aspect natural.
Ca intotdeauna, secretul sta in peri... Perii unici au fost creati special pentru coafarea uscata si pentru netezirea cuticulei parului, astfel incat, indiferent de stilul pe care îl alegi, parul tau va fi neted, stralucitor si coafat perfect.
Manerul subtire si confortabil iti ofera un control maxim, astfel incat sa poti crea chiar si cele mai sofisticate coafuri - 83% dintre persoane au confirmat ca aceasta perie de par permite o coafare mai usoara.
Ultimate Styler este cel mai bun accesoriu de styling din acest sezon.
- 95% dintre persoane confirma ca aceasta perie este perfecta pentru a avea grija de extensiile tale si pentru a le amesteca cu parul tau pentru un aspect natural.
- 83% dintre persoane confirma ca este mai usor sa te coafezi cu aceasta perie de par.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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1.351 recenzii
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1.351 recenzii
Cornelia N
Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 35 și 44
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After 1 year Mr I am still just as happy as when i initially received it!
I’ve been using this brush for over a year now and absolutely love it!! I am not using anything else besides the 3 brushes i received. They are durable and untangle my hair so easily. I can’t recommend them enough. They are also very light and easy to clean.
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Best hairbrush on the market, especially for curly and tangle easy hair!
Although I do not have this one as I have it away as a gift since I received a larger one with the whole order, I love the large brush so much! I’d imagine the style is similar but smaller. The bristles do not hurt my head and it is easy to detangle. I think the colors were very cute and I would 100% buy again. This is one of the best products I’ve received from Influenster.
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Il ador
Perie de calitate, ușor de curățat și care nu provoacă ruperea parului
Recomandă acest produs: Da

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really hated these products for my curly thick hair, i will never purchase again…. you literally feel your hair breaking every time you brush through. Very disappointed
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It works great
I like this brush a lot. I prefer the larger one just because of the amount of hair that I have. It’s gentle on the scalp so perfect for tender heads. And easy to hold.
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It’s a yes for me!
Worked just as well as the bigger size. My boyfriend used it and he liked it. Good quality and great packaging. Definitely recommend. But since I have a lot of hair I think the bigger size works better for me.
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Great quality brush that is easy to clean and doesn't cause breakage.
The tangle teezer brushes are great quality and made in beautiful colors! This brush can get through my thick long hair without breakage. This regular size brush would be nice for shorter hair or thin hair. Now that I've had the brush for sometime I experienced it's easy to clean. Which most brushes are not, because of the round plastic coating at the tips of the bristles. I would highly recommend for kids as well to avoid the hairbrush fight.
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Good for kids
I use this brush on my son's hair and it's great because the bristles are so gentle and flexible. His hair is short so doesn't need much detangling but it's still a great little brush.
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Love it
I'm obsessed with this brush! It effortlessly glides through tangles, is gentle on my scalp, and is so affordable. Hands down, it's the best detangling brush I've ever used. Highly recommend for anyone with knotty hair like mine!
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Didn't like it
This brush isn't meant for my hair type I have thick wavy hair and this brush in my opinion doesn't work well for me. I would recommend this for someone with fine hair
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Me and my husband both use it and love it
Really liked the product, my husband and I love to use it , we always fight to use it first. I use it with my child too in the hair styles. Great texture and value of money! Great packaging too
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Life saver
As a mom of two little girls with curly hair it’s a life saver to have these brushes they hated brushing their hair but these make it better cause it doesn’t hurt as bad to get tangles out anymore
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Perfect size!
I tried the large brush and this (regular size) and I prefer the regular size! It gets the job done, doesn't break my fine hair either. It's easier to throw in my work bag!
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Indiferent de tipul sau textura parului tau, instrumentele Tangle Teezer sunt ceea ce trebuie sa adaugi la rutina ta - lasandu-ti un par cu un aspect mai sanatos, mai putin casant si foarte multa incredere.

tangle teezer
The Ultimate Styler Millennial Pink - Perie pentru par
Din păcate nu sunt prea încântată de perie. Perii sunt duri, simt ca imi zgârie scalpul si imi periajul e dureros. Sper sa ma obisnuiesc cu ea pe parcurs dar deocamdata regret ca am achiziționat-o.